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This link will lead you to our denomination's website. You can find out more about us and many resources on how we are "Making Disciples in the Nations."

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This link will lead you to our district's website. You can find out more about us and many resources on our local district and how we minister to the people of Oklahoma.


The Discipleship Place is an arm of Nazarene Discipleship International. They offer many resources on different topics that allow you to study God's Word. They put many of these in a course setting that will allow you to get the most out of it. They also offer an app that will help disciple and draw you closer to Jesus.


At FamilyLife, we understand there is a gap between the intention we have for our families and what we actually experience in life. Too often, our relationships fall short of what we desire them to be.

But this isn’t what we were made for. Instead, we believe God made us to live in perfect community with Him and each other. We believe God’s word offers insight for us to bridge the gap — to make our intentions match the reality of our relationships. To that end, we create content and experiences to help families pursue what matters most and grow more fulfilling connections with God, each other, and their communities.

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Since March 22, 2001, has been providing quality Bible resources to the Christian Internet community. Starting with a handful of Bibles and reference tools, we have grown to be the online resource leader. Today the site hosts more Bibles and study resources than most Bible software packages. This is an amazing resource that can help you study the Word of God.

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